Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm gonna go Sherlock Holmes on your....

So this weekend was say the least. I got my purse stolen, along with my makeup bag...straight out of my unlocked car. I know, I know. My fault for leaving it unlocked, right? I guess I just trust people too much these days. Anyway, it has been a big stress trying to put the pieces of my life back together....a new driver's license, Social Security card, student I.D. (and not to mention my iPod that was magically back from the dead). Basically this weekend has really sucked, filing police reports, calling everyone and their dog to replace all my stuff. Moral of the story--LOCK YOUR CAR. But life goes on, that's something that I know I can count on.  Warhol Purse, iPod, and Hobo will be missed.

1 comment:

HItchhiker Travels said...

Hey girl I am sorry You got all your stuff stolen! That is soo stressful! At least you get to go to beautiful Flroida and see AGP soon!! Hang in there